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What is it?

This website provides supplementary reading materials for the "Synthesis of materials and nanomaterials" course as it was taught in the fall term of 2023 in Ural Federal University for the first and, most likely, the last time.

The main rationale behind making a website was

I've spent a reasonable amount of time on preparing for the lectures and labs and it'd be sad for all of it to go to waste.

I hope you'll find at least any of it useful. If not, well, I'm not the most well-paid and highly qualified scientist out there, duh, so go and get yourself something better.

License and Disclaimer

Due to the very nature of the course and also, in part, to the limited (ha ha virtually nonexistent) time that I had to prepare for it, a significant part of the course materials was compiled from various other sources - from the textbooks, the scientific articles (both reviews and regular articles), the materials supplied by the manufacturers of scientific equipment and from the other webpages. I've made an honest attempt to acknowledge each and every source, giving all the necessary references when appropriate.

However, I must admit that I might have missed something, so if you if you've noticed that I borrowed something without mentioning the source or if you're a copyright holder and you think that I infringed upon your rights, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm sure we could come to a peaceful arrangement, provided that all I do here is basically advertising some stuff I found on the internet 😅.

To the things that I genuinely came up with and wrote here I give the following license:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

This, of course, does not apply to the works of others.


The synthesis part of the course is loosely based on the Russian-language "Synthesis of nanomaterials"1 course. Therefore, I'm grateful to Dr. A.F. Guseva and Dr. N.A. Kochetova (Ural Federal University), without whom I'd have absolutely nothing to start from.

My discussions of analytical and thermoanalytical techniques are heavily influenced by Prof. Dmitry Tsvetkov's works and teachings.2

I'd also like to acknowledge the Summer School and Workshop in Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (Lyon, France, website) and the Summer School on Scanning Electron Microscopy (St. Petersburg, Russia, Tescan) as the sources of inspiration for the thermal analysis and SEM course materials, respectively.

  1. Гусева А.Ф., Нейман А.Я., Нохрин С.С. Методы получения наноразмерных материалов. Ekaterinburg, Ural State University, 2007. 

  2. see, e.g.,

    Вылков А.И., Цветков Д.С. Методы аттестации свойств ультра- и нанодисперсных и керамических материалов. Ekaterinburg, Ural State University, 2008.

    Цветков Д.С. Практикум по курсу "Термодинамика и Структура Твёрдого Тела". Ekaterinburg, Ural State University, 2011.